set store by

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set store by

更新时间:2025-01-07 01:44:21

英 [set stɔ: bai]

美 [sɛt stɔr baɪ]

set store by基本解释



  • 临近词
This data set, created by shoppers themselves using in-store scanners, records the type of goods bought by various income groups between 1994 and 2005, as well as the prices paid for them.(这套由消费者自己利用商店里扫描机所产生的数据记录了从1994到2005年不同的消费群体所购买商品的种类以及他们为此所付出的价格。)
The arrests came after a boy, 13, set off a bomb in the store managed by his family. Officers later arrested a 14-year-old suspected of making the explosives.(其中,一13岁男孩涉嫌用该炸药引爆自家经营的小店,另一14岁男孩涉嫌根据网上资料生产该炸药。)
In addition to the superior hardware, the school set great store by the software construction.(除了硬件外,华文更注重的是软件建设。)
It was my first implicit appreciation of the principle of extensionality by which I have set such store down the decades: the universal is no more than the sum of its particulars.(这是我第一次对外延性原则隐隐地表现出欣赏,在此后的几十年间我一直很重视这个原则:共相不过是其殊相的总和。)
I think it is important that I can set an example by not to throwing litter down and being very careful about what I eat and what I purchase in a store.(我认为通过自己的行为给别人树立榜样很重要,如做到不随地扔废弃物,谨慎对待自己的食物和在商店购买的商品。)
All that day there was much talk about the forthcoming lessons; a great deal of store was set by being able to vanish and reappear at will.(那一整天都有人在议论要开的这门课程,非常向往能够随意地消失和显形。)
They set no store by our more modest, intimate wants which have to be met behind the scenes,--the whole of their attention is directed to momentary attitudinising and display.(他们不太看重我们那些更为谦虚的、更为亲切的、不得不在幕后予以满足的那些需要,——他们整个的注意力都集中在转瞬即逝的装腔作势和炫耀上了。)
Advanced dynamic Properties allows you to configure and set key names by which to store any dynamic property values.(高级动态属性使您能够配置和设置键名,通过键名可以存储任何动态属性值。)
He threw charcoal lighter fluid around, but by the time he ignited it, the fumes had permeated the store, and he set himself on fire.(他四处泼了液炭而他点火时店里烟雾弥漫他也着火了。)
I've never set great store by the ring on my finger, nor the necklace round my neck, nor the refrigerator and the color TV set in my home.(对于我手上戴的戒指,颈上挂的项链乃至于家里摆设的冰箱、彩电,我从来都不怎么重视。)
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